Home isn’t just about the construction of bricks and concrete. You build a home by adding different decors, appliances, furniture and interiors, with love and passion. Besides this, home needs constant maintenance and appropriate services. Otherwise, for example, the appliances can get rust or build up mineral sedimentation, if not properly used. Handyman Service Dubai is essential to make your home perfectly functional by checking if anything needs to be fixed or repaired.
Have a look around your home- Is everything fine around your home? Apparently, it seems so but maybe, the component of your house might need care and repair services. Check out the following list to learn what you shouldn’t miss while considering home maintenance services.
Additionally, if you are thinking of revamping your home then you should avoid certain actions, too. On the other hand, you can hire handyman service Dubai from Dubai Fixing for immediate service.
Avoiding Instruction Manual
Nowadays, DIY projects have become very popular as they require a budget and offer professional finishing. Whether it’s about installing a door or repairing any car parts, everything now comes in the form of DIY tasks.
However, the products also have the instruction or installation user manuals inside. But, most people neglect the instruction manual to complete the task as fast as possible.
And, what’s the consequence? You might forget to install something really important. The installed product might seem OK at the beginning but might collapse after a few days. So, don’t ever overlook the instruction manual when you engage in some simple or tricky DIY projects. It confirms the reliability as well as your safety.
Coating a Glossy Paint on Non-Smoothed Surfaces
Are glossy painted walls your favourites? If you are ready with a bucket of glossy paint, paintbrush before a wall, then halt. Glossy paint looks good over a smooth wall so that it can reflect back the light evenly to make you feel its gloss.
If the wall isn’t perfect for the paint to sit on, then it will reflect the flaws on the walls instead of the shine that you desire. So, before you paint the wall with the glossy paint prepare the walls with sandpaper. Make it utterly smooth and eliminate seams and other flaws. Then, you can carefully paint the wall. Or, you can hire handyman services from Dubai Fixing.
Keeping Faulty Home Appliances
Most of the home appliances run on electricity and if you stick to the appliances for very long, then it can wear and tear someday. Look, they would certainly break down one day, inevitably. We admit that replacing home appliances can be costly and out of budget. But, if the appliances catch fire somehow, then it can result in more dangerous consequences.
However, you can avail repair services, if you think that the appliance can serve you some more years. In case, the appliance has already crossed its life expectancy, then it will be a wise decision to replace the appliance and not to fix it.
Letting Dirt Accumulate on Refrigerator Coils
Refrigerator coils play an important role to keep the stored food in good condition, as well as maintaining the surrounding temperature. However, if dust and debris accumulate on the refrigerator coils, then the heat releasing procedure can be blocked.
For instance, it’s very common for a refrigerator coil to get in contact with hair, especially from pets, cobwebs and other debris. And, when all these blocks the heat releasing actions of the coil, it starts to draw more power to work efficiently. In return for this, the compressor has to work harder and the life expectancy of the fridge eventually decreases.
So, grab a vacuum cleaner and a coil cleaning brush to clean the refrigerator coils. Frequent coil cleaning is necessary for the right performance metrics of your refrigerator.
Not Draining Mineral Sediment from Water Geysers
Water heaters or geysers are meant to serve more or less ten years in a row. If the water heater isn’t working or supplying enough hot water, then you might call a plumber to fix the issue. While draining the water with sediment, it can solve the issue for you. What you have to do is drain all the water from your geyser, along with the sediment built-up at the bottom of the appliance. You should practise this once a year.
The sediment can harm the water heater and its coil. Gradually, it can affect the efficiency of the water heater and the longevity of the device gets worse. So, avail handyman service Dubai from Dubai Fixing to repair water heaters.
Not Cleaning Dryer Vents
Dryer vents can get clogged due to dust, debris and especially for lint. You would be surprised to know that such clogged dryer vents can catch fire. Moreover, if the dryers are placed in between of your home then the ducts are generally longer. And longer ducts make sure more dust can enter the vent.
Aside from lint and dirt, bird nests can also cause the plugging issue. However, in case you feel that the dryer is taking more time to dry up the clothes, with a pungent smell, then this is the sign. You need to remove the vent which is situated at the back of the dryer. Next, you have to clean the vent. If you are having difficulties with reaching the accumulated substances over there, then you can use a flexible brush or vacuum cleaning equipment. This will save you from disaster, as well as huge electricity bills.
Not Cleaning Gutters
It’s time to look at the outdoors. Are you consistent with cleaning the gutters? Well, a clogged gutter can result in soaking the rainwater to the basement of your home. And, it can ruin the base and the house might collapse. Don’t take the risk and avail some time to clean the gutter.
Mostly, gutters get dirty and clogged due to leaves, birds’ nests, twigs and obviously because of storms. Make sure that you clean the gutters at least twice a year. And, when you are up there you can also check the condition of the roof. Maybe, it requires effective handyman services.
Collapsing a Wall
Are you trying to renovate your home on your own? That sounds fine until you decide to knock down a wall. Yes, it’s true that open spaces look subtle but collapsing a load-bearing wall can harm the base of your house.
Moreover, if you continue this on your two-storied building, then the second floor can break down over the first one. So, refrain from doing so. For a successful home renovation avail professional services from Dubai Fixing for the perfect measurement and precision.
What’s Next?
Apart from these major mistakes, you should not overlook resetting the freezer, cleaning the dishwasher and checking thermostat settings. All these can keep your home more manageable and save you money and effort. Furthermore, for any kind of assistance with handyman service Dubai, contact Dubai Fixing.